Calling All Artists With Disabilities in the Twin Ports and the Arrowhead region of Minnesota! You are cordially invited to attend the next meeting of AAAWD:
When: Wednesday, May 12 from 5-6:30 pm.
Where: DRCC - Soft Hands is located at: 1902 East Superior St. in Duluth (1 block East of HDC's CSP offices). Look for the building resembling a convenience store on the South side of the street. If you need directions, call Todd at 728-4621. Soft Hands is located on busline: DTA Route 6 - 7 East Mainline UMD - Lakeside.
What: Come prepared to discuss and plan some events, outings, projects, etc. for the next 12 months.
Remember to bring a friend with you, if possible - someone you feel may be interested in joining our group.
Please feel free to bring a snack or beverage to share with the group.