Thursday, January 14, 2010

New AAAWD Art Exhibit at UMD

We've been invited by the Access For All student organization to exhibit our artwork in the Multicultural Center at UMD. Hope you'll stop by to see our work and learn more about AAAWD. Be sure to join us at our opening reception!

Bloom Under the Snow

“In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy.” ~William Blake

Come enjoy vivid expressions of the resilience that lies beneath the snow in winter – a diverse collection of work by the Arrowhead Alliance of Artists With Disabilities (AAAWD). This inaugural art exhibit is sponsored by Access for All, a student organization dedicated to promoting disability awareness on campus and around the community.

February 15 – March 15, 2010
The Multicultural Center
Kirby Student Union, University of Minnesota, Duluth
270 Kirby Student Center
1120 Kirby Drive, Duluth, MN

Opening Reception:
Wednesday, February 17: 4 – 6 p.m.

For more information, contact:

Penny Cragun
Office of Disability Resources
241 Kirby Student Center
1120 Kirby Drive
Duluth, MN 55812-3085
(218) 726-8727
(218) 726-6706 FAX

What’s AAAWD about…

The underlying inspiration for AAAWD (and their logo) is the stone soup fable wherein a few stones placed in a pot of boiling water become both pretext and catalyst for creating something from nothing, and revealing nothing to be something after all. Our acronym, AAAWD, sounds like “odd” and “awed” – words that echo what it’s like being an artist with a disability in America. The trajectory of our group is from odd to awed via artwork, humor, friendship and open minds.

The current core membership includes these visual artists, actors, writers, directors, musicians and filmmakers: Peter Barnett, Christina Cotruvo, Ben Giesen, David Hoffman, Ryan Iallonardo, Julie Jeatran, Cecilia Lieder, Bill Lyth, Roald Molberg (co-founder), Karl Mulligan, Justin Powers, Todd Reed, Bridget Riversmith (co-founder) Annie Roseen, Mark Schuman, and Jim VanDruten.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

January 13, 2010 AAAWD Meeting Notice

When: Wednesday, Jan. 13 at 5 pm

Where: DRCC - Soft Hands is located at: 1902 East Superior St. in Duluth (1 block East of HDC's CSP offices). Look for the building resembling a convenience store on the South side of the street. If you have any questions, email Todd Reed. Soft Hands is located on busline: DTA Route 6 - 7 East Mainline UMD - Lakeside.

What: UMD Art Exhibit Discussion and Preparation. Other topics to be discussed as time allows: PACT-TV show planning, Empty Bowl participation, Strategic Planning and Fundraising, etc. Please feel free to bring a snack or beverage to share with the group.

Hope to see you there,

Bridget & Roald, AAAWD Co-leaders